6 Natural detoxifying foods to heal PSORIASIS

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food for detoxy

In my case, internal body detoxification with the help of healthy diet, physical exercise, balanced life style and use of some household herbs has been the driving force to manage my psoriasis. I have quit taking any kind of medicines or using any topical ointments since almost a year and I am 75-80% clear now.Vitiligo leucoderma Psoriasis marriage matrimony brides grooms

December and January used to be super chilled months here in New Delhi. Winter would be at peak in these two months and if you have Psoriasis, then you must be knowing that your psoriasis would make you cry most in winters. But now even in peak winter, I have very mild flare ups and the duration of these flare ups is hardly a day or two.

I am really enjoying all this!

So, I am putting few food items; a combination of vegetables, fruits and herbs which would accelerate the body detoxification process NATURALLY in a relaxed fashion. The best thing about this list of food items is that they all taste good. So, if you want a mild detoxification without torturing yourself with those nasty fasting cycles 🙂

Here goes the list:

1. Turmeric – Come on..Do I need to explain here again how good turmeric is for psoriasis?

If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you must have gone through that post I have dedicated to benefits of turmeric for psoriasis. Check that article below:

Turmeric benefits for Psoriasis 

2. Apple – “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away” 

Heard it before?

Yes, this sweet fruit is equally good for psoriasis as well. Apple juice fast is considered very effective way of body detoxification. Fortified with fibers, especially pectin would help in cleaning intestinal tract effectively. Be cautious eating SWEET apples only. Don’t eat those greenish colored half ripened sour apples at all.

Dr.John Pagano’s famous natural diet regimen for psoriasis treatment also starts with a 3 day applies diet for detoxification.

3. Garlic-Owing to anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic, taking 1-2 fresh cloves of garlic is always recommended to psoriasis patients. High content of sulphur in garlic helps in liver detoxification by assisting in completion of sulfation process to flush out toxins for thorough liver detoxification.

4. Lemon-Here again, all the amazing benefits of lemon for psoriasis have always been discussed in previous posts on this blog.Check them right now:

Lemon water for Psoriasis

Mild lemon water detox for this Sunday

 5. Flaxseeds-Omega 3 fatty acid supplements are always recommended for psoriasis. Flax seeds are a well known healthy option for omega 3 fatty acids. Apart from that, Flax seeds contain soluble and insoluble fibers which would help in smooth bowel movements to eliminate all body toxins and residual cholesterol from your body. Flax seeds are rich in Manganese as well.Check the below article for more detailed information.

Flaxseeds for Psoriasis

6. Coriander-Coriander or cilantro is one of the best known natural resource to detoxify your body from heavy metals like lead and mercury which could accumulate in your body with time. Apart from that, this green plant type vegetable aids in digestion and maintaining normal cholesterol levels.

A suggested way to add these 6 foods in your daily diet regimen

>> Use warm water with lemon squeezed in it in early morning empty stomach

>>Drink freshly prepared juices of apple and carrot with lemon, garlic and coriander included in it.

>>Chew flax seeds as per your convenience either alone or use them as salad dressing.

 >>Take a teaspoonful of turmeric in night before going for bed

Pagano Diet Psoriasis Natural Healing

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10 years ago

thank you for all the great suggestions.

10 years ago

more than welcome Annie

Urunna Udah
Urunna Udah
10 years ago

Thank You for the lesson. Please where can I get tumeric please.

10 years ago
Reply to  Urunna Udah

Turmeric is a very well known herb…you can found it in grocery stores….or you an order turmeric powder filled capsules at amazon as well
Keep visiting and keep sharing 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Urunna Udah

you can get turmeric powder at health food stores or your supermarket. But you have to use the turmeric with pepper in order to your body can absorb the nutrients. Otherwise your body will not absorb the curcumin nutrients inside the turmeric powder. If you want an easy way for your body to absorb the powerful curcumin in turmeric, then you can buy a vitamin supplement called Pure Encapsulations Curcumin with Bioperine. The bioperene is pepper which makes it easier for your body to absorb the curcumin .

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