Celebrate World Psoriasis Day by starting a Self help group

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World Psoriasis day is celebrated every year on 29th October.This day is dedicated to all people having psoriasis and/or psoriasis arthritis.Various aims of World Psoriasis day are:Vitiligo leucoderma Psoriasis marriage matrimony brides grooms

1. To raise awareness among the people having this skin condition.To let them know that they are not alone and to let them know the best available information about this problem.

2. To aware the non sufferers about the non contagious nature of this disease and to end the stigma and discrimination towards people with psoriasis.

3. To encourage more in-depth research on this disease to improve the effectiveness of various treatments available.

I developed Psoriasis about 9 years ago and in all these years, I have understood that only a person with psoriasis can understand the feelings of other person with same skin condition.As we have discussed in my earlier post about managing emotions and its importance in healing psoriasis, I think the concept of SELF HELP GROUP is very relevant for all of us,people with psoriasis.

In a self help group, people share a common problem and they give all kinds of support to each other in their journeys of dealing with that common problem.Imagine one Sunday afternoon, you meet a bunch of people of different age group

  • with similar white and red flakes as you do have on your skin
  • with similar journey of ups and down in dealing with psoriasis as you are going through

You come to know what they all are doing to heal their psoriasis, you enjoy various fun and recreation activities with them.

You can exchange your contact information with them and in this way, very easily you have so many friends with whom you can talk and share your emotions whenever you want.

Isn’t it amazing?

Going further, your Self help group(SHG) can plan for an outgoing some times where you will have lots of fun forgetting your psoriasis for some time 🙂

Although it is best to have a physical SHG meet once in a weekly or fortnightly, but in case it is not possible, you can have an online SHG meet using Google hangout or Skype and physical meets can be organized on monthly or bi monthly basis.

If you know someone in your locality having psoriasis, then you are lucky otherwise go search some one having psoriasis online.You can do it easily by checking the members of various psoriasis related Facebook groups, yahoo support groups etc.

Take initiatives;contact them and plan to meet them in person.Develop a comfortable environment in your meetings where everyone can share his/her feelings and experiencing in a relaxed way.Before winding up the meetings, take everyone’s feedback and take suitable actions in next meetings.I think it will be an amazing experience altogether.

In short, we all should try to build our local Self help groups and this will be surely a very good way to heal our emotional wounds which will benefit us to heal psoriasis in a long run.It will be the best way to celebrate World Psoriasis Day.

Wishing you a happy and cheerful life with or without Psoriasis.

Pagano Diet Psoriasis Natural Healing

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vishal vinayak
vishal vinayak
10 years ago

I had the scalp psoriasis, with 7 month my ok by 95% with a homoepathy.
And one doctor in india ayurveda in Hissar india also give treatment 100% success rate the problem is only, many restrictions on eating.
That makes very difficult time as I.am in travelling job.
So I shifted to homoepathy. With Dr vikas nikam mumbai india.


10 years ago
Reply to  vishal vinayak

I have tried that Hisar doctor who claims to cure Psoriasis with his secret powder medicines….But it didn;t worked for me.

Good to know that homeopathy is working for me…

Let’s enjoy this beautiful gift of god with or without psoriasis.

Keep visiting here and keep commenting:-)

10 years ago
Reply to  vishal vinayak

you can join the facebook group with the same name PSORIASIS SELF MANAGEMENT…all the members there sharing holistic ways to heal psoriasis

lucillec2013Lucille Cholerton
lucillec2013Lucille Cholerton
10 years ago

I hope you have changed to a 100% gluten free diet.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. Many autoimmune disorders are caused by gluten grains, wheat, rye, oats and barley. It is not difficult to change your lifestyle. Please research gluten sensitivity and celiac disease on the Internet. Your eyes will be opened. Lucille.

10 years ago

Thanks for your comment lucillec.

Not 100% gluten free…but yes, i have cut down on gluten significantly.In India, the traditional bread (roti) is made from wheat grain and it is the most consumed food.

But, I have significantly reduced the intake of gluten…no bakery products at all…and less number of rotis for me.

Also, no white sugar and added sugar products…no smoke..no drink…and 15 minute vigorous exercise every day and ample amount of warm lemon water and the list goes on

lucillec2013Lucille Cholerton
lucillec2013Lucille Cholerton
10 years ago

Great, but did you know that rotis can be made of cornflour or gram flour or lentil flour or a mixture of all of these flours? They are not difficult to make….You might also like to Google a gluten free roti on the Internet?! Good luck!

10 years ago

you can join the facebook group with the same name PSORIASIS SELF MANAGEMENT…all the members there sharing holistic ways to heal psoriasis

10 years ago

Hows u brother..??

Really good to see ur positive attitude,
And ur strong will to help others.
I always read ur post…

Keep the good work going..!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Aditya

Thanks bro, keep visiting and keep sharing!!

Getting to know similar stories of others always make feel that we are not alone and we can heal it together

10 years ago
Reply to  Aditya

you can join the facebook group with the same name PSORIASIS SELF MANAGEMENT…all the members there sharing holistic ways to heal psoriasis

vijay sharma
vijay sharma
10 years ago

Hey Aashish i like ur posts and holistic ways for ps..i want to meet you once as you are also from north india

10 years ago
Reply to  vijay sharma

hope you have joined our fb group?

Lucille Cholerton Nutrition Counsellor
Lucille Cholerton Nutrition Counsellor
10 years ago
Reply to  vijay sharma

I really must add my comments…
Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis are autoimmune disorders. Gluten is a major factor in autoimmune disorders where the body attacks itself. Every sufferer should eliminate the 4 specific gluten grains of wheat, rye, oats and barley.

10 years ago

Thanks a lot Lucille

Can you share the source from where you get this information so that i can write a detailed post on this blog for the benefit of all of us

10 years ago

Link for facebook group — https://www.facebook.com/groups/1550316531867815/
Psoriasis Self Management

10 years ago

Hi Ashish

My wife is suffering from Psoriasis ( Just 4-5 round spots ) on hands and on scalp. She is 26 yrs and psoriasis has just started . I am not sure if she had before. Doctor has given some creams , but we dont like to use strong steroids.. I read that Panchakarma ( Ayurveda ) helps and also Glycerine helps .. Any idea?

10 years ago
Reply to  Maddy

I am a non medico, having psoriasis and trying to promote holistic healing of psoriasis as it have helped me. I think, she is having her psoriasis at initial stage.Try to adopt suitable change in diet and life style and use of household herbs like turmeric, black cumin seeds , flax seeds and coconut oil.She would be fine.I would request you to ask her to read articles on this blog and I am sure she would understand what we are trying to promote because it helps naturally 🙂

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