Samantha Clock found a way out to deal with Psoriasis

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Samantha Clock is a mature lady from Arizona,USA.She is a substance abuse counselor (helps people in quitting addictions of drug and alcohol).Samantha has found coconut water and some diet and life style changes coming to rescue her from psoriasis flakes and she is enjoying her life the best ever finally at the age of 46.Vitiligo leucoderma Psoriasis marriage matrimony brides grooms

She has been kind enough to share her journey of Holistic healing of psoriasis with all of us.

Here it goes her story:

I was diagnosed with plaque, inverse and guttate psoriasis at the age of 39. I was given several creams that never seemed to help. I refuse to take biologics because I value my body organs. My doctor noticed that potassium content in my body was low so I began drinking 16 ounces of coconut water, all natural without any added sugar. This was to rectify potassium deficiency in my body but after two months of drinking coconut water my skin is now clear of psoriasis.

I learnt that I can only wear 100% cotton clothes because anything else causes a flare up in my psoriasis. I also use a fan or blow dryer after a shower, because a towel can hurt and cause skin damage. The worst for me was the inverse psoriasis under my breasts. I used Zeasorb powder (it is a poweful anti-fungal powder that absorbs sweat and it contain Miconazole, an anti-fungal agent ).I found it at my local store in the athlete’s foot care isle. I noticed that after sweating, the inverse psoriasis would spread quickly and the pain was very bad. The zeasorb help clear that up.But as my psoriasis flakes gradually started to clear up, I stopped using Zeasorb powder.

Initially my body was almost 70% covered with psoriasis patches.Now I have less than 10% in about these 2 months and there are just small dots left here and there. I am using coconut oil for external application on these small psoriasis patches.I want everyone to try this. Its natural inexpensive and it works!!!!

Now I am no more JUST EXISTING but I am LIVING my life and I am very excited.

Things I avoid – Non cotton clothing, soda drinks, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, stress and humidity.

Things I avoid– No bad carbohydrates (I don’t eat bread, tortillas, potatoes,rice, pasta and other bakery products like cakes,pastries,cookies,donuts,pizza,burgers.No processed foods either.)

My general diet regimen

Breakfast- Greek yogurt, banana and water. Yogurt is full of probiotics

Lunch- White albacore tuna and a sliced cucumber and fresh fruits.

Dinner- Baked or grilled chicken breast with regular salad along with steamed vegetables and fresh fruits.

In snacks, I eat unsalted nuts and fruits.

Without any miss, I drink 16 ounce of pure coconut water and about 3-4 liters of normal drinking water.

I eat a lot of fresh veggies and fresh fruits.

Extending a big THANKS to Samantha for sharing her story and wish her all the best successes in her life.

Its high time for us to see beyond methotrexate and those coal tar based shampoos and steroids based sticky ointments.If Samantha can find a holistic way of making peace with her Psoriasis, then surely we can do it as well.

A humble request to fellow psoriasis community

As we know that there is no single universal treatment regimen or diet regimen which would be equally good for all of us.So, there are high chances that you would find some foods in her list which you might be considering BAD for you.So, don’t get confused enough.Just relax and try to adopt any good thing/things from her story if it/they suits you.And, then don’t forget to share with all of us 🙂Pagano Diet Psoriasis Natural Healing

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Nitin kapoor
10 years ago

It depends upon case to case .while in my case a sound sleep helps me lot at least 8 hour and almond oil rich in vitamin E.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nitin kapoor

exactly, psoriasis is very specific in nature….we need to find our way of holistic healing 🙂

10 years ago

thank you so much for this. i will start increasing the coconut water that i drink each day.

10 years ago
Reply to  anniegoose

Yeah sure.I wish that one day I would share your story as well.

Jean Gray
Jean Gray
10 years ago

Many thanks for that – my husband contracted the disease only a few months back and is pretty much covered with flaky skin or raise patches. We shall certainly try yr diet based efforts. ( Be aware that poor R is so desperate he will try anything!)

10 years ago
Reply to  Jean Gray

Thanks a lot for your reply Jean.I am sure he will enjoy this journey of holistic healing of psoriasis with your company. You both can join us on our facebook group- “Psoriasis Self Management” where we are exploring various ways of making peace with our psoriasis naturally.

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