Dr Pagano diet for Psoriasis

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Dr pagano diet for psoriasis

If you believe that psoriasis is a super complex disorder and concepts like diet change and lifestyle change can’t help you, then I would request you to please check the real life experiences of people (posted on this blog) and discover how they are living a far better life with change in diet and lifestyle.Vitiligo leucoderma Psoriasis marriage matrimony brides grooms

Click here to read: Real life story of Psoriasis healing of an Indian couple

The extent of healing would definitely depend upon a number of factors:

  • Severity of the problem
  • Family support
  • Most importantly, your own will power and determination.

What is Dr Pagano’s treatment regimen

Dr John Pagano’s book Healing Psoriasis- The Natural alternative is a familiar name for most of the internet savvy people suffering from psoriasis. In this book, Dr John Pagano has proposed a natural way of healing psoriasis by suitable changes in your diet and lifestyle. We would be discussing in detail his treatment regimen, particularly the very famous Dr Pagano diet for psoriasis.

Understanding the treatment

I have always believed that we shouldn’t jump into any treatment regimen instantaneously; rather we should understand the principle concept of that treatment. And if convinced, only then we should give it a try. Understanding the concept will make sure that we would give it an honest try without quitting it in between. Otherwise, it is a common scenario that people (suffering from psoriasis) would just jump start a treatment regimen hoping for some miraculous results and then quit it in between without giving it proper time to show some results.

This story continues and you feel yourself at the same point  from where you started or even worse even after trying so many things.

To avoid such an undesired scenario, I have tried to write a detailed article covering almost all the aspects of Dr Pagano’s treatment regimen which we all should know before starting the actual treatment.

Tips for getting successful results

  • This diet program is not that easy. It is quite strict actually. Hence, it is not easy to follow it religiously. Actually, it is almost close to impossible to follow all the diet rules. But, we should not feel sad for that. Rather, we should make efforts to follow the diet program as closely as possible. After all, doing something is better than doing nothing at all.
  • In my own experience, if you can follow the relatively easier 70-80% rules of this diet (and skip the most difficult rules), you would be getting more than 80% healing benefits. Hence, don’t try for perfection and try to follow the diet program as closely as possible.
  • Patience is the key. One patient may start seeing visible results in a few weeks while for the other one, it may take a few months to show similar results. Hence, one of the most important ingredients for success with this diet regimen is PATIENCE.
  • Some patients might experience worsening of their psoriasis symptoms initially. It might be due to flushing out of toxins from your body in a rapid manner. Hence, no need to panic and no need to quit the diet regimen. Just keep on walking on this journey of natural healing.
  • The patient should not feel stressed or sad because of this somewhat strict diet regimen. They should think about people with diabetes or food allergy problems because these people also follow similar or even stricter diet regimen for lifetime in most of the cases. Hence, patient should follow this diet regimen with a positive frame of mind.
  • Developing positive thinking is very important. From the very first day, patient should focus on positive things and should refrain from the influence of negative incidents and thoughts

What causes Psoriasis

According to Dr Pagano:

  • The cause of psoriasis lies in the gut, not skin. Accumulation of toxins in your body over an extended period of time would increase the level of toxins beyond limit and your body would detoxifies through your skin causing psoriasis flakes to appear. Hence, Psoriasis is external manifesto of your body’s attempt to flush out internal body toxins.

Click here to read: Why detoxification is important for psoriasis healing

  • Modern medical science (medicines that your dermatologist would recommend) mainly suppress the physical symptoms of psoriasis and don’t do much to heal the internal body matters because cause of psoriasis is still a mystery for them.

Dr Pagano’s 3 D’s approach

Dr Pagano explains these 3 D’s as:

  1. Detoxification– You have to eliminate all internal body toxins and then make sure not to accumulate any of those toxins again. The food that you eat along with your lifestyle generate toxins in your body which are flushed off by various body organs involved in the elimination of body toxins.                                                                                                            body toxins and psoriasis                                 If your body is heavily loaded with toxins beyond accepted limits, then these increased amounts of body toxins would seep through your damaged intestine walls (damaged due to chronic indigestion and over activity) into your blood. It is called as Leaky gut syndrome. Purification of blood is carried out by the liver and kidney. If the toxin is too high leaving those organs (liver and kidney) overloaded, then your skin would come to rescue and flush off those toxins causing psoriasis flakes and rashes on your skin. Hence, a thorough detoxification of the body to eliminate all those deep rooted toxins from your body and then making sure not to add any more body toxins is the basis of this treatment.
  2. Diet– Dr Pagano diet for psoriasis mainly focuses on eliminating all foods which are- hard to digest; allergic and highly acidic in nature. We have to replace these foods with easily digestible, alkaline foods which are non allergic in nature.
  3. Determination– A strong display of determination and patience is of prime importance in achieving the best possible results. Sometimes, a patient would show encouraging results within a month while another patient would need to stick to this regimen for more than 3 months to show some visible results. Hence, a deep sense of trust, determination and patience is required.

The six basic steps of treatment

Treatment regimen consists of 6 basic steps:

  • Internal body cleansing 

    Eliminating toxins accumulated over the years in colon and other body parts (liver and intestinal tract) involved in the digestion process. Internal body cleansing is done by following a 3 day apple diet. You would be eating only apples for these 3 days. Eat reddish or yellowish sweet apples as much as you want for 3 days. After this apple diet, colon cleansing is done.  You can take help from a medical professional for colon cleansing or you can opt for home enemas as well. The choice is yours. Home enemas should be done under supervision. Regular bowel movements are very important. You have to avoid constipation at any cost.

    Click here to read: Constipation can worsen your Psoriasis 

  • Proper diet (Dr Pagano diet for Psoriasis)

    You have to re-establish the optimum body pH level by eating alkaline and acid forming foods in the ratio 75:25. It means you have to eat more alkaline foods. Also, cutting down on food like white sugar, dairy products, citrus fruits, refined white flour. Complete elimination of nightshades (white potato, tomato, pepper, eggplant). Consuming fresh green vegetables and permitted fruits in liberal quantities.

    Detailed instructions are explained below:

    • Food products to be eliminated


    > Red meat and processed meat like pepperoni and sausage (lamb is allowed)

    > Shell fish (shrimp, crab and lobster) and other dark colored fish (light colored and white varieties of fish are acceptable. Tuna fish is also allowed)

    > Highly fried and fatty foods (use cooking methods which consume less oils like- baking, poaching, broiling. Stir- frying with little oil is also a good option. Deep frying is not allowed)

    > Coffee, caffeinated drinks, sweetened carbonated drinks, soda drinks (if you are addicted to coffee, take decaffeinated coffee, but in small quantity)

    > Refined white flour products like white bread and bakeries

    > White sugar is strictly prohibited. All foods with a good amount of white sugar are banned (use honey instead)

    > Canned flavored drinks are not allowed

    >  Nightshades- Tomato, white potato, eggplant, chili pepper, cayenne pepper, capsicum and paprika (Sweet potatoes and black pepper are acceptable in small quantity)

    > Processed and artificially flavored food items

    > Alcohol and smoking (tobacco is also a nightshade)

    • Food products to be consumed in limited quantity 

    > We have to re-maintain Optimum body pH of around 7.4 (slightly alkaline) by consuming more alkaline forming food and less acid forming food (ratio 75:25). Hence, we have to cut down on the intake of whole grains like wheat, barley, white rice etc. These whole grains are acid forming in general. But they provide us necessary nutrients and energy. Hence, no need to eliminate them, but do consume them in controlled quantity. Brown rice is preferable over white rice.

    > Consume dairy products in restricted quantities. Be smart by picking low fat or non fat varieties of milk, cheese and yogurt etc.

    > Use little quantity of oil for cooking and frying.

    > Use protein rich food like poultry, fish and tofu in small quantity. Vegetarian people do take a note that various cereals are also rich in protein. Hence, consume cereals in limited quantity.

    • Food products to be consumed a lot 

    > Dr Pagano’s diet regimen considers fruits as cleansers and vegetables as builders. Hence consume green vegetables, fruits and freshly prepared green juices extracted from permitted vegetables and fruits liberally. GO GREEN is the mantra here. This book recommends drinking carrot and celery juice every day. Fresh cucumber, carrot, broccoli, celery, onion, ginger, garlic, apples, avocado, ripe papaya,  – all are good.

    > For cooking, olive oil is highly recommended as it is good for intestine. Also, you can use olive oil for salad dressing and you can consume it directly as well.

> Drink enough water. Water helps in flushing out the body toxins.

  • Drinking herbal teas and omega 3 fatty acid supplements 

    Slippery Elm bark tea in the morning and Saffron tea in the evening is advised. Also, Mullein and Chamomile are good as well. These herbal teas help in intestinal tract cleaning and aid in the digestion process. Also, consume omega 3 fatty acid supplements like flaxseed oil capsules or fish oil capsules.

  • Corrective spinal adjustments

    This book recommends taking help of a professional chiropractor to get corrective spinal adjustments. These spinal adjustments would help in healing intestine wall injuries to rebuild muscles and hence, aid in the digestion process. It would help in proper digestion of the food that you eat and smooth elimination of body toxins.

  • Using natural/herbal creams, oils and shampoos

    Using nature based herbal oils, creams and shampoos for topical application (external   application on psoriasis patches) as well as during bathing. Steroids based pharma creams and shampoos are not good. Use natural alternatives like virgin coconut oil, aloe vera, neem, black cumin seed oil instead.              

    Read more: How to choose a Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo                                                    

  • Positive attitude and stress free state of mind

    Deep breathing, yoga, meditation can help you to maintain a calm and balanced attitude towards psoriasis and your life as a whole.

From where to buy this Book

I have tried my best to summarize the Pagano diet and treatment in this article. But, I would recommend you to have a copy of this book. You know, it is almost impractical to cover each and every aspect of a  330 pages book into a blog post. Moreover, when we are dealing with a complex disorder like psoriasis, self empowerment with good books is always helpful.

Buy this wonderful book at Amazon and choose among different versions, including paperback, hardcover and kindle: –

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Dr Pagano's bookClick hereClick hereClick here

Dr Pagano’s Psoriasis healing cookbook

The first thing that comes in your mind before even thinking to attempt this diet regimen is- how would you survive with all these dietary restrictions? In today’s time, most of the people are attracted towards processed foods which are ready to eat and tangy in taste. But, unfortunately, these foods are low in nutrition and put a lot of burden on your digestive system to process them.

To get success in this diet regimen, you have to give up on all these foods for a significant period of time. To make it possible, you need a lot of discipline, will power and a lot of tasty recipes with the foods that are allowed by Dr Pagano. Obviously, there are thousands of resources available on the Internet for you to discover recipes. You can browse them and choose the best ones for you.

Alternatively, you can get a copy of Dr Pagano’s psoriasis healing cookbook. This book is a genuine companion of the above book- Healing Psoriasis: The natural alternative. This book has about 300 kitchen tested recipes with nutritional facts. Soups, salads, meals, beverages, desserts- you would get recipes for all these categories. We all have spent enough money on overcoming psoriasis, hence, there is no harm in spending some on buying this book also.

Click on the below link to visit the Amazon page of this book:

USA readersIndia readersUK readers
Psoriasis healing cookbookClick hereClick hereClick here


Dr Pagano’s natural healing treatment has three main pillars- body detoxification to eliminate the accumulated toxins and then re-establish the smooth functioning of internal body metabolism by positive changes in your diet and lifestyle. Dr Pagano diet for psoriasis includes consuming more alkaline foods which are non allergic and easy to digest. Most importantly, you need to feel too stressed if you can’t follow all the rules strictly. It is my own experience that you can enjoy more than 80% healing benefits by following the comparatively easy to follow 70-80% diet rules.

Green Vegetables Psoriasis Alkaline Diet

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10 years ago

thank you so much for all these great recommendations.

10 years ago
Reply to  anniegoose

Thanks a lot Annie.Keep visiting and keep sharing!

9 years ago

Do you think warm water with Lemon is good. Since citrus fruit is not allowed??

9 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Thanks so much for the detailed explanation ASHISH! Continue to be a blessing for others….May God bless dear.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

I tried this diet last year in October and i stuck to it about 75% of the time. By December my psoriasis was 85% gone! I couldn’t believe it! I had had psoriasis for 12 years until this point. I let the diet slide a little and started eating tomatoes / other foods that were restricted in the diet. I noticed over the next few month my psoriasis gradually came back until by Feb-15 it was fully back all over my face! I immediately went back on the diet!

It has now been 3 months and this time i have stuck to the diet 95%. Only water has been drank, no tomatoes no paprika no peppers no potatoes no tobacco! No alcohol. It is an extremely hard diet to maintain and it has been getting me down a little bit. The worst thing about all this is that my psoriasis has not gone at all this time. There are no signs of it fading whatsoever. The first time i implemented the diet it cleared my skin up in 8 weeks. This time is has been 14 weeks and no signs of it going. I really want to believe this diet actually works and i have seen the results first hand but this time it is really starting to get me down. Having it all over your face must be one of the worst places i can imagine. I don’t like to go out in public if i can help it! I am very active, i exercise about 4 times a week, i have been sticking to this diet 95% of the time for 14 weeks, i have become a little obsessed with getting the diet right! I drink at least 3 liters – 4 liters of water a day. I am really hoping to get the results i got last time but i am losing hope and i am really starting to get down about this now. Any suggestions?

10 years ago

I am in the 3rd week of the Dr. Pagano diet and have had positive results. I have not had any new areas develop since starting on it, so I see it in a positive light. If nothing else my general well being is better. It’s not a difficult diet….just takes planning and more kitchen time in preparation. My hands and head were so involved that I had to cover my head with a wrap 24 hours daily because of the leakage I was experiencing. As for my hands I had involvement covering 80 % of my fingers and palms. The inches of tissue that was eaten away and then the cracks were unbearable. Desperate people will try anything for results when the good doctors of medicine have no cures or treatment that seems to be helping. I was in a state of depression and would not leave my home. Therefore the diet was at least another avenue and for me, it is helping. My outlook is much better. Some of my areas are healed and gone, others are being a little difficult in getting my skin back….or it’s just not fast enough for me. If anyone knows of any home topical remedy that will help heal this skin please advise. For now I am keeping my hands greased and in gloves at all times. I will keep updating as time passes. God bless and Happy New Year!

10 years ago
Reply to  Linda

thats great to hear Linda

Would you consider joining our facebook group where we are discussing holistic ways of healing Psoriasis

Link for facebook group — https://www.facebook.com/groups/1550316531867815/
Psoriasis Self Management

9 years ago

Would love to join your facbook group, however many of my facebook friends don’t know I have psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis and I prefer to keep it that way. I think a forum with usernames would be a better approach and one I’d rather join.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Maybe you can make the group private? All the posts will be private I think

marilyn c. solis
marilyn c. solis
9 years ago
Reply to  Linda

hi ms linda..can you pls send me the copy of dr Pagano book my email add is malenzky0702@yahoo.com

Deborah Caldwell
Deborah Caldwell
9 years ago
Reply to  Linda

coconut, linda. pure coconut oil. It is an organic food, but it is working for me on my skin.
I tried it for several weeks with tea tree oil- the coconut oil was a base. but the teatree was a bit strong for me, i guess. just plain coconut oil is better for me.

Deborah Caldwell
Deborah Caldwell
9 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

I did not measure. I would drop several large drops into the coconut oil, which I would put in the tap. Probably too large tablespoons of coconut and for big drops of Teatree oil. Too strong I think.

9 years ago

I will start diet tomorrow. For along time l dont eat any karbh. Bread, white suger.. l need help. İs there any shape for totally diet.

9 years ago
Reply to  selma

Yes, have tried this diet for 3 months and seen huge difference.

Paul B.
Paul B.
8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

I am three weeks into the diet. I started before i found dr paganos book. I was still eating nightshade. I just started eating vegan and juicing. I will keep posting my progress. I was on Humera the biologic drug which takes 110 days to completely leave the system. My skin was almost clear on it but its a scary drug and i had weight gain. I felt bloated and my bp kept rising. I decided to end it and try holistic. I should be seeing my skin getting worse but its actually getting better than it was on humera. I dont know if it will get worse but i am bopeful and will keep posting if you all want to hear it. I was wondering why strawberries are listed as a no no? Any thoughts?
Paul B.

9 years ago

sorry for my english. I mean diet list because in Turkey I didnt find pagano’s book

9 years ago

Plz tell me home remedies for psoriasis

9 years ago
Reply to  afroj

I have psoriasis since I’m 14 I am 58 ….Donot fry your food …aveno soap is great get the bars of soap ..bed bath and beyond has it … Vaseline is good also especially in winter…no harsh soaps ….I ve also put Vaseline on my psoriasis and wrap with Saran Wrap …. When my condition acts up this sooths it .

Pune Indian
Pune Indian
9 years ago

I’ve stopped eating all the prohibited items for 3 weeks now. I do find a lot of improvement.

I’m curious to know :
How much into the regimen can we start eating fried foods like Tempura, Samosa or similar things in limited quantity ?

Also should we do any medications to fix the leaky gut ? How is it best done ? Are things that treat candida infestation helpful in fixing leaky gut ? I understand fixing the leaky gut will allow us to eat normal diet in the long run without getting psoriasis symptoms again.

Pune Indian

9 years ago

Hello Ashish
I am on the 3rd week of this regimen and i am currently going through the worst episode of my psoriasis ever. Ever since i started the diet i believe my psoriasis has worsened. I know that it it is clearly stated that this might happen but the itch and discomfort is getting unbearable. Even new lesions are forming at a fast pace.
Although, i had slipped from the regimen once or twice, i will continue this regimen indefinitely. Really hope it works. But i am confused as to whether i should also consult my dermatologist and start taking drugs to control this.

9 years ago

Does this help with Psoriatic Arthritis as well? I have 2 small patches of psoriasis, but my arthritis is unbearable. I am going to buy the book today if it is appropriate.
Thanks, Shari

9 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

I live in New Orleans, LA, USA
I have had Psorias since I am a child. I was diagnosed with PSA 3 years ago. I suffered for about 20 years before diagnosis.
So far I have tried, Methotrexate, Gabapentin, and Sulfasalazine
They are wanting to put me on Embrel. I was hoping to try natural first.

9 years ago

Great blog Asish…
I have Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis since 2002 aug.. I am on remicade and right elbow is completely frozen since 2002.. I doing natural way of living for the past 4 months and few weeks back I found Dr Pagano book from Barnes and Noble and it is great. But I am little confused and have many questions.. In the past 4 months I became 100% vegetarian..no alchol or coffee and only fruit dinner that before 6 pm. I used to eat bananas, watermelon and apple in dinner. but after dr pagano boo reading I stopped eating them completely.. now I am loosing weight drastically and becoming weak too..
Can u pls send me your number in email so that I can call u and talk more… I am from Andhra Pradesh India and live in Florida USA…

9 years ago

hi ashish,

i have psoreasis from last 8 years. i had only scalp psoreasis i thought it was dandruff after consulting doctor 3 years before i came to know its psoresis. after i treated from my doctor first time wih in one week my scslp posreasis was completely over but it started on my elbows.. i have purched dr pagano book for treatment. i am in initial stage.. small light scars and coming now.. can i control this before it grow .. i got this from heridity. my grandfather had my uncle have .

9 years ago

Hi I am kaushik. I am from Kerala. I have few doubts. First of all is there any diet for Indians ? Apple we get in Kerala is not that good. Is there any alternative for apple ? can we use Papaya instead ? Keralites main food is rice. Can I continue that ? Can I use barbecued chicken ? Is there any Facebook group for this ?

Christopher Hunter
Christopher Hunter
9 years ago

Hi just thought i would share my story briefly. I am 27 and have had psoriasis for about 8 years. I started the pagano diet heavily beginning june 2015 and have been extremely strict on myself, going from 230 pounds to 170 pounds in just 3 months. I have religiously drank the teas morning and night, only missing a handful of times. I have forgotten what a steak and soda taste like at this point. Chicken and healthy guacamole with raw spinach leaves wrapped in lettuce bowls is my default meal. I stayed to that for a long time, then began to venture out. If only i knew how good butternut squash was before the diet! Its amazing how well you can eat without sacrificing taste. At this time of writing, my torso, my arms, my chest, my neck are all covered with sporadic red rashes. Over the months i have noticed some places heal, then come up elsewhere. Never have i been this bad. Yes i have cheated on the diet through the holidays, but not too bad. I still stayed away from the red meats and sodas. The worst cheat i have done is drink alcohol. Nontheless i have still drank both teas day and night. I work in an environment where i get plenty of exercise. I am in the best shape of my life physically. But the psoriasis is still there. After all this time, i refuse to give up now. I wont stop until its gone. I look back at the young boy in the Dr. Pagano book when im in doubt. One thing for sure, my body is changing, hopefully for the better.

Christopher Hunter
Christopher Hunter
9 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Hi Ashish, thanks for your reply. I scheduled a dermatologist appointment sometime ago but got discouraged because it was a 7 month wait. I have yet to see any doctor about it. I assumed steriods would be recommended, which i will not do. I have never gotten tested for any food allergies or vitamin levels. Perhaps i should get these done. In my case i truly believe i am now in the herxheimer reaction stage of the pagano diet. I showed some healing during my tenure, but suddenly it came over me, accompanied by severe itching. I take an epsom salt bath for relief. I do eat plenty of fish for omega 3 intake. And i eat tons of green vegetables. I think the biggest fear for me was coming out in the open about my condition. It turned out to be the best thing i have done. I have now helped several friends, family and coworkers with both weight loss and psoriasis. Now i have no problems showing my condition and progress. It has made it so much easier mentally knowing i have a support system. Even tho i am covered right now, im excited about it because this could possibly be what im waiting for, Total Healing! The comment by Deborah Caldwell truly inspires me as well. Its nice to have a place to speak with others about it!

deborah caldwell
deborah caldwell
9 years ago

This is so wonderful, Ashish.
I am a 75 year old woman who suddenly burst out with psoriasis. I had never taken any meds of any kind, and have no canned foods in my home at all. I have been in the hospital only three times for delivering babies. And yet I have sudden psoriasis. Now my partner, who is 78, and my friend the M.D. who is also a naturopath, recommended the Dr. Pagano book and it is working. The dermatologist identified my malady as Lichen Planus which is closly related to psoriasis.
I think the last straw for my digestive/immune system was when I was working with the Cannabis harvest on this farm, and dried the leaves in my kitchen for three or four weeks, while also stripping and harvesting the buds.I have been a life-long beer drinker and stopped that completely, turning to wine but I am drinking too much wine so I am stultifying my treatment.
I have been tenting in my old age in the summer (I live in the cold state of Maine) for the last three years and have been stung by every mosquito, spider and tic that is around. I was attacked by bedbugs eighteen months ago in a rent near my boyfriend, and was forced to move out. He stayed, and at the age of 76 he recovered by using Slippery Elm and Saffron Tea because of the Pagano book. He is 78 now. That was the second time he cured himself in this manner. I have lost 13 pounds within the last 3 months, have used the steroid meds from the dermatologist for instant relief, but have put them aside for the two-year-long diet treatment, using the GAPS diet and Dr. Paganos diet combined, and am helping another old woman with her truly terrible psoriasis. On Tuesday she and I will read your blog together for encouragement for her. She is all set up with a Kit that I made for her with the saffron, slippery elm, and local marrow bones for soup.
I gave up the beer and white potatoes easily. Now I will quit the wine.
Thank you for your studies interest, Ashish Argawal.

Deborah Caldwell
Deborah Caldwell
9 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Yes . Good idea. I will join the Facebook page. Thank you for focusing on this in such an educated manner. That is why it is regional all of us. Our blood inside her skin is all the same. Our souls are again. It is nice to be able to recognize those facts..

Vickie Newell
Vickie Newell
9 years ago

Since I have Type 2 diabetes I’m not sure how to approach the diet and cleanse while still keeping my blood sugar within accepted levels.

Vickie Newell
Vickie Newell
9 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

The cleansing portion of the diet is my concern.

Deborah Caldwell
Deborah Caldwell
9 years ago

This is now a month later. I have decided that stress is a major factor with me.
Although I have moved fourteen times within the last fourteen years, five of them within a five month period, I am going to move again. I am a displaced housewife, and have obviously had a hard time adjusting, but my family is wonderful, my friends are wonderful, and my income has finally stabilized. However, my landlord is not wonderful, even though I have a rent on a farm.

My psoriasis is really getting better. And better. And better. I have found the alcohol level that pleases my body. I have enjoyed the 15 pound weight loss and that has stabilized. The idea of looking for a dwelling, very deliberately looking, is heartening. I have been here long enough, 16 months, to feel comfortable with leaving. This blog has been WONDERFUL, Ashish. Very supportive, and conducive to world health and happiness; a great contribution.

Deborah Caldwell
Deborah Caldwell
9 years ago

I will happily share my experiences with psoriasis with you anywhere at your request.

Deborah Caldwell
Deborah Caldwell
9 years ago

Oh yes, let us wait, Ashish. It has only been four months, and it will take at least 9 months. Perhaps two years. That is what I believe. Although I think I will see significant improvement when summer comes here. I will be under the trees on the Pond, with a small shack to sleep in, and a tent to live in. That natural way is best for me. We will wait.

8 years ago

Hi, I don’t have psoriasis on the skin but I believe it is what is in my scalp and ears. I’ve had it in my ears for ten years now, first it started in my right ear and then came in my left also. It’s an absolute nightmare because they are always full of liquid and so red and flaky on the outer inner ear. I have tried so many things and nothing will clear it although my derm seems to think its a form of eczema I don’t. This past year and a half my scalp started, first it started at the back and now it’s pretty much all over, it’s so awful because it’s so dry and itch and again nothing seems to help it. My derm thinks it’s contact dermatitis however I stopped using the main allergen ingredient and there has still been no improvement so I will see what she says when I return for another appointment. My scalp does seem to calm slightly after washing but by the 3rd day it’s an awful dry, white, flaky mess again. So I’m thinking of trying this diet seeing as normal medicine and diagnosis has failed so far, is there just a basic list of foods that I could stick to for the duration of the diet maybe? And also when symptoms have gone do you still have to stick to the diet like forever ?

Such a great blog by the way, I am so happy to have come across it.

8 years ago

Also the hard part for me would be quitting smoking and drinking, I only drink vodka mixed with lime soda water but I believe that contains sweetners. Also I don’t drink pop or sugary drinks. Only water, decaf coffee and organic orange juice. I don’t eat fried foods but I do eat a lot of spicy food and basmati rice, also potatoes and brown bread. Being half Italian I eat a lot of tomato, onions and peppers but that said I also eat a lot of fruit, veg, chicken and fish. I think my problem could be that I was addicted to fast food for a while (mainly McDonald’s) and also I used to drink everything and anything basically every weekend. I’m thinking this may have caused my problem.

8 years ago

Can I use Indian Saffron or Green Tea instead of American Yellow Saffron Tea?

Rebecca T
Rebecca T
8 years ago

Hi! I am happy I found this website. My husband has psoriasis. He has decided to do this diet. Everyone talks about the added benefit of weight loss, our problem is my husband is naturally a skinny guy. He can eat and eat and not have to worry about weight gain. On this diet he is losing weight that he doesn’t have to lose! Without the grains and brown rice, his calories are too low. Also, he is a waiter running around on his feet for 7 hours every day!! He needs more calories than what he gets from chicken and vegetables. Any advice on preventing the weight loss on such a strict diet ?? Thanks !!!! Rebecca

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

hi Ashish…….My self sandeep am from Hyderabad. I have psoriasis for the past 15 Years and iam battling with it often it get worse some times bit seems to be ok. Overall am facing a tuff time with it.
I saw recently the diet schedule of Dr. Pagano and i have decided to make implement in my life and i do follow your lemon and salt drink with slight worm water detox program which i started to detox my body for once in 15 days.
Mr.Pagano mentioned to eliminate the intake of the whole grain food and brown rice may be due to gluten in it. But in daily food i used to consume more chapatis and often white rice.
Can you suggest me ashish,to which diet do i need to change for ? as my idea was to switch on to brown rice,

Want To Help Husband
Want To Help Husband
8 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca T

Hi Rebecca T,

I have the same question about my husband! If you (or anyone on this site) can suggest high protein, healthy fat meals and snacks that follow the Pagano diet, please share here or on the Facebook group! Low blood sugar and low energy has become a constant issue and leads to stress and depression which in turn makes the psoriasis (and life) worse. He has been following the diet for over a year with great results but as he has tried to be stricter, to clear up the last areas, he has run out of options that properly nourish him, especially if we have to eat outside the home. We have the Pagano cookbook for home meals. The severe weight loss is becoming a big concern!

Thank you Ashish for maintaining this helpful blog!

8 years ago

All vegetables are to be consumed as raw or cooked ?

When body in the detoxification , will Psoriasis rise to increase the flakes ?

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal


Thank you for reply.
I have been following the natural regimen for two weeks as mentioned.I have been eating raw vegetables(carrot ,cabbage,lettuce ,spinach ,celery cucumber) and fruits (apple,banana)as breakfast. And after noon lunch as rice and some curry containing only one chilly one tomato .Night i don’t feel hungry much.Hence i eat some fruits.In day time i eat some nuts.And herbal tea green tea , saffron tea. Morning warm lemon water. I am taking morning and evening one table spoon of black seed oil.

Can you please tell me , do i need to add some more or avoid some contents for this regimen.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Thank you for helping.

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,

I have doubt .Can we use cupping therapy to detox body very fast.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Hi Ashish,
I am going to take this treatment for detoxing body.I will tell the results.

8 years ago

Hello Ashish,

this is konda from USA, i am from india and came to US in 2013, i got a rash on my leg at the age of 19 in india and local doctor gave some ointment and after the rash was cleared and in 2015 july my 7th month of pregnancy i got the rash on same spot and my doctor told to apply cartisone and after applying it for 2 days the rash is gone again and the rash is barely visit to other people.
after my delivery to baby in september, i see another rash on my lef in december which grew to a dollar size and got another back side of the leg which is in quarter dollar size and now a new small mark. in march i see a rash under neck and in February i see on both ears and one at below stomach.

we went to dermatologist last Friday and he confirmed it as a psoriasis and gave steroid ointment.
after seeing this blog i believe this might be helpful.
please let me know if i can take the below this for daily routine food habbits:

early morning — leamon with warm water — YES / NO
after 30 mins — thyroid tablet — YES / NO


1. IDLI- made with rice floor and urad dal — YES / NO
2. dosa — rice and urad dal — YES / NO
3. upma — made with suji — YES / NO
4. marmara upma — made with white rice — YES / NO
5. rice poha — made with white rice — YES / NO
6. chutney with peanuts and green chillies — — YES / NO
multi vitamin and fish oil tablets after 30 mins — — YES / NO

after 2-3 hours 250 ml of skimmed milk with honey — — YES / NO


1. brown rice with curry made with very little salt and only with very little green chillies and yogurt rice with 2% fat milk based — — YES / NO
2. once in a week spinach or methi curry in toor dal or moong dal — — YES / NO
3. once in a week indian squash curry with litte 2% fat milk — — YES / NO


sweet potato / apple / banana / pine apple / pears / peaches / nectranes / pomogranite / water melon / cantaloupe — any one of these

Dinner :

1. brown rice with curry made with very little salt and only with very little green chillies and butter milk — — YES / NO
or 2 wheat floor chapathis with curry made with very little salt and only with very little green chillies and butter milk — — YES / NO
2. once in a week spinach or methi curry in toor dal or moong dal — — YES / NO
3. once in a week indian squash curry with litte 2% fat milk — — YES / NO

after half an hour — fish oil tablet and vitamin d3 tablet — 2000 IU and while going to sleep one multi vitamin.

please let me know if we can follow the above diet and no more foods from restaurants, sweet and pizzas. or please let me know if i can substitute with any other foods.

it might be a very long email but i am concerned with keeping this at bay. please reply back at your earliest possible time.

please let me know diet and fast will help keeping this at bay or enema and spine adjustment compulsary needed, or is there a replacement capsules for enema and can go for spine adjustment.

i am a breast feeding woman, can i start with diet for 2-3 weeks and stop breast feeding while apple fast and can i start breast feed from 4th day. please let me know.

Faisal khan
8 years ago

Respected Sir,
I have read your blog and saw what tremendous and excellent work you are doing in helping people to fight with their Psoriasis. I want to start by giving my introduction and will then put forward my query regarding the Pageno diet. Sir my name is Faisal Khan. I have been suffering from Psoriasis from past 10-12 years and dont know what triggered it. In the past 10-12 years I was having very mild type of psoriasis which consist of some spots on the knees and elbows. But in the past 4-5 months the psoriasis suddenly started increasing and now today around 30-40 percent of my body is covered with it. During my initial 6-7 years i have taken allopathic treatment and in the past 4-5 years i have gradually shifted to homeopathy. Everything was going quite fine but due to little increase in psoriasis and origination of new psoriasis spots on the back, I changed my homeopathic doctor and consulted other homeopathic doctor. But no-one was able to stop the increasing psoriasis till date. After getting frustrated of this disease I purchased the Pageno’s book online and till now have read most of it. Now, I know each and everything which Pageno recommends to eat and I am ready to go on his diet path very soon. But I have a query that, the diet which Pageno recommend’s is associated with the people in the west and their is no diet for this part of the world. Sir as an Indian you also know that roti and sabji are how much related to our daily lifestyle and diet but this book does not give a slighest hint of whether continue it or discontinue. I am ready to restrict roti sabji to once in a day(during lunch), instead of wheat i will use millet(bajra) or sourgum, will avoid sabji of nightshade vegetables but I dont know that even after having such restriction will I be allowed by the pageno book to do so and eat roti sabji. My other fear is that, will the manner in which sabji is being prepared in Indian houses will make it prohibited according to the Pageno’s book.

Sir it will be very very kind of you if you take out some time and clear my this query. I am very much depressed and sad by this disease that I can go to any extent to cure it.
I promise you that I will cordinate with you and will inform you about any signs of recovery after this Pageno diet is started.
I am impatiently waiting for your reply.

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,
I am having scalp psoriasis for almost 12-13 yrs now. Lost a lot of hair also because of that. I am looking for reviews for this book for a while now and got this article in google. Thanks for updating and answering the questions even after 1.5 yrs of this initial publication.
I want to follow this diet and see if this works for me. One question. Is it possible to get away with the colon cleaning step and proceed further?

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Hi Ashish,
I am Neha. I have a severe psoriasis problem. I think its been allmost 14yrs am suffering from this. This month its very severe which actually spread all over the body suddenly. Till now i have not experineced this. I use to get only on head scalp. Now its very severe. Will this diet really help me out? am really worried about my rest of life. My baby is still 1.5 yrs. How am i going to manage this.

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,
This is Neha. I have been suffering from psoriasis from allmost 14yrs. This 14yrs i could control it to my head scalp only but this time it spread allover body. How to get rid of this?
Will try the above mentioned diet but can u tell me if this is the diet we have to follow for my entire life?

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,
Its really great to see u on the blog being active. I was desparatey waiting for ur reply.
I have started the diet from yesterday. Please help me to know if i can include below things in my diet.
1.Tea once a day with light sugar
2.Oats for breakfast
3.If sugar not permitted can Jaggery be used?
4. Can fruits like Mango, Chikku,Banana can be taken?
5.1 red chilly and half tomoto is permitted?
I read all the above stories. Its really building in confidence to lead a health life.
I really aprreciate u for taking such great initiative in solving this devil skin desease.
This blog is actually a boon for people suffering from this disorder.
Hope to see u on the blog being active so that i can share my progress or issues everyday.
Thanks a lot again

8 years ago

To add,
Can i have poha, boost with no sugar?

8 years ago

I meant the health drink. Can you tell me if below is permitted?
1.Tea once a day with light sugar
2.Oats for breakfast
3.If sugar not permitted can Jaggery be used?
4. Can fruits like Mango, Chikku,Banana can be taken?
5.1 red chilly and half tomoto is permitted?

Am asking all this just to observe the changes in the body and suggest others who are suffering from same disease

8 years ago

This was very enlightening…..My husband’s story is much like 2 other posts. Six months ago he began to follow the Pagano regiment and within 3 months was greatly improved! Just a couple small patches on his arms and the itch was not a problem. Then cam a birthday celebration plus a situation that caused a bit of stress. Within one week he ate steak, potato, cake and ice cream. He broke out much worse than before. We did green juicing and epsom salt baths and he flared up so severely his arms severely swelled which scared us. We went to a dermatologist and did use the steroid cream just enough to get the arms a little better. That was a a month ago and he is still breaking out and in much misery because of the itching. We are just using the peanut/olive oil mixture and the other things mentioned in the book but the itch is about more than he can stand. And one cannot leave home with arms coated in oil. He can only sleep 2-3 hours before getting up to reapply oil. One question please: How long after an offending food before a breakout. That would help to know as we are trying to determine what he is eating that is affecting him. He is gluten, sugar and nightshade free. He does drink raw milk kefir daily.

8 years ago

Ashish ji,
Thanks for sharing all the useful and detailed informAtion.

Few thinks I would like to add :

Daily bath from Neem water.
Daily applying neem oil on body .
And little bit of yoga will help the best in this .
Myself Ankit , suffering from last 14 years , it’s much controlled by these steps and off course the diet plan which you mentioned .
Thanks Ashish ji.

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,
Thanks for your reply.
Will follow this strict diet and let you know after 15 days.

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,
I could see it healing. Only difficulty is to select the diet menu everyday 🙂
I even lost lot of wait which i could not after my delivery. But my head scalp psoriasis has not come down becos of which am losing lot of hair. Difficult to digest. But 60% of my body psoriasis has come down. Thanks again for your suggestions.

Will keep updating you.

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,
Thanks.. I did order this book from amazon.These 2 days i am developing gastric because of very limited food that i take. Can i have any specified biscuits?, also can chapathi be included in diet?
or suggest any snacks that can be taken if am hungry..

8 years ago

Hi Ashish,
Thanks for your suggestion. From 2 days again psoriasis has increased. Allmost 90% my body was clear now again on Monday i could see red spots on kness and stomach.Tuesday in one night it spread to entire legs and on even stomach.Also few spots on hand and elbows.
Am wandering what went wrong?

Why is this happening? am totally depressed seeing this again.
Am eagerly waiting for your suggestions.

8 years ago

Hi Ashsish,
Thanks a lot 🙂 Your suggestions actually makes sense.
Its human tendency that we expect the results very soon. I will definitely take your suggestions and follow your principles. I even went through your blog on benefits of neem oil ,herbal shampoo and flax seeds. Its really nice. I ordered few things yesterday.

Thanks again. Will keep updating you.

8 years ago

Hello. I am trying this diet because I am tired of accepting my psoriasis, even though I know I will have it forever. I guess I’m more tired of my doctor giving me creams that don’t seem to be as effective as she thinks it will be. So here I am day 3 with high hopes. I was just wondering what is an average to start noticing results? I’m sure it depends on some things, but I was just curious of the number. I know i’m only day three and I’m not impatient, just need to set goals and look forward to the change. I am also quitting smoking in the process, since the diet requires no tobacco. Its time for a change in lifestyle to see some change!

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Thank you so much for the response. I did buy a copy of the cookbook. Ready to make some healthy recipes :). And I’ll definitely return to let you know my results.

Aanchal Dutta
8 years ago
Reply to  Ashish Agarwal

Hello sir, i am 26 years old.. i faced psoriosis like symptoms in 2008.the red lesions appeared on my right leg.Due to my semister exanm constraints i didnot go to any doctor n continurd scratching all the time on the itching spot. after 2 months when i finished my exan i visited dermatologist. he gave me medicine i got healed up but small black patches persisted for which i never visted to doctor again as i thought it go away with time. now in month of april 2016 i encountred similar red lesions with persistent itching on the same place of right leg. i again visited dermatologidt n remained on medication it again got healed for few days afer one or two months but agian reoccured. now at this point i searched for this diseases and got shocked. earlier until i was unawre of the disease but my day to day life was not that stressed and depressed but now past few days m getting stress and depression. i want to enquire is it possible to manage the disease and live a day to day life after. and what about the reoccurence of disease. will i get married in future.what are the social implications of disese. would get little fine from disese ok for days or years. please guide and motivate a littke.. would be helpful.. god bless u

8 years ago


You mentioned not eating fruit for the first 15 days. I purchased and read Dr Pagano’s book, but I did not read where Dr Pagano talked about that. Can you elaborate more on the no fruit for the first 15 days subject?

8 years ago

Ashish Sir ,

Ankit here
We spoke earlier as well
I recently relocated to dubai for my new job , unfortunately because of hot and humid climate here my psoriasis condition is getting worse here , I don’t know why , I m super depressed .
Food Is also become an issue for me here surviving on bread omelette …. Would that be OK ???
Need suggestion plz
Ankit .

8 years ago

Also sir ,
Can I purchase whey proteins or any other supplement for body building


8 years ago


Just looking for some encouragement, motivation or any explanation for my situation here.

I have had scalp psoriasis for about 2 years now. Recently, I started the Paleo diet, but after seeing no improvement after about 2.5 weeks I switched to GAPS diet. I have eliminated Dairy, Grains, Nightshade Veggies, Processed Sugars (except for 2 TBS of Almond Butter), Red Meat, Caffeine and Alcohol. I have slowly been adding items back into my diet. First I did Eggs (hardboiled), waited a few days, then introduced Sweet Potatoes, waited a few days and lastly I introduced unsweetened Greek Yogurt. I make smoothies 4 times a week with Avocado, Ginger, Spinach, Coconut Milk, Flaxseed, Blueberries and Bananas I also take 1 Fish Oil, 2 Biotin, a multivitamin, and 1 TSP of L-Glutamine twice a day..

I have read mixed reviews on Vinegar, but so far I have kept that in my diet (pickles are my favorite!). I do regularly smoke weed, so tobacco is something that I unfortunately consume, but can do without if that is affecting my condition? Other than that, I feel like I am following all of the right steps, but I have not seen any noticeable improvement.

I’m frustrated, and I wanna give up :(. How do I know if this is working? Am I doing something wrong, or should I just be patient?

Any advice would be very much appreciated!

8 years ago

Hi Ashish sir,

Amit here from Dubai…

As u refer me to take glutamine. I have started sir.

Can I take dates and 4 boiled eggs per day?
Loosing hair on scalp in Dubai like anything can I apply onion juice on scalp if u allow or is there any side effects?

8 years ago

I am looking to start Dr. Pagano’s diet for my nail psoriasis that has plagued me for the past 17 years. Any experience with others having improvement in their nails with this diet regime? I also have some on my scalp and a little on my knee, but mostly interested in curing my nails. Appreciate any thoughts you may have (or others)!

8 years ago

Hi Ashish
My name is Pratiksha. I am from Bangalore India. I be had psoriasis since 18 years. I have tried all forms of medications. I am planning to go for self management as suggested in the book of Dr Pagano. I am a lil sceptical about the supplements suggested in the book. I just want toknow if they are safe for Indian environment and also I am a mother of 11 month old baby, still under nursing (Bf) so if could just help me with the aforesaid concerns I would be ever thankful to you. I have already stared avoiding all the night shades and seen some improvement in my psoriasis afflicted body.
Looking forward for your reply.

8 years ago

Hi Ashish

Is there any Indian sister of this book, some book giving same detailed diet and life style and food and medicines that are available in India?

gina moretti
gina moretti
8 years ago

hi, read the books. today is my first day on apple cleanse. after 10 years with psariatic arthritis, i do hope it works,i am 75 % covered,take 3 ibuprofin a day (800 mg) to be able to function at work. hope your still checking this blog,

7 years ago

Hi Ashis,

Thanks for keeping your nice and informative webpage. I am starting Dr. Pagano’s diet and have not found info in his book about mayyonaise. Is this one of the prohibited foods? Would it make a diffeence if I prepare it at home?


7 years ago

Dear Ashish,

My 6-year-old daughter has psoriasis for more than 2 years now. It started initially before she turned 1yo and it went on its own after a few months. It came back before her 4th birthday and had it until today. Will the Dr. Pagano work for her?



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