Sweating and Psoriasis

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Sweating is an important function of the human body to function properly. However, many times, people with psoriasis finds it a trigger because it stimulates itching and scratching of the skin to worsen the psoriasis symptoms. Let us find out the reality- is sweating really bad for psoriasis or it is good actually and it just requires some lifestyle changes to tackle the excessive sweating issue.Vitiligo leucoderma Psoriasis marriage matrimony brides grooms

What is sweating

In simple terms, sweating is the release of salty fluids from the sweat glands of the body. As the body temperature increases, nervous system stimulates sweat glands to release sweat. Upon coming in contact with air, sweat evaporates to cool down the body temperature back to the normal level. Hence, Sweating is your body’s natural mechanism to cool down. Any obstruction in sweating process can cause overheating of your body. In extreme cases, it can lead to serious life threatening issues such as heat stroke.

Sweating is good for Psoriasis

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It is also known as the third kidney because it performs the same function of expelling excess water, salt and wastes from your body (through sweating) as the kidneys. The sweat glands continually extract excess salt, water and toxins from the blood and throw them out of your body through sweating. Hence, sweating is good for psoriasis considering the fact that it helps a lot in eliminating the body toxins.

Natural (holistic) healing of Psoriasis starts with body detoxification and sweating helps in that.

Psoriasis obstructs sweating

If you observe closely, you would notice that the skin areas covered with psoriasis lesions don’t sweat or sweat very less because psoriasis blocks the secretion of sweat gland and hence, obstruct the natural process of body detoxification.

When the major filtering organs of your body- liver and kidney (responsible for filtering out the toxins from your body)- become overburdened and can’t do their job effectively, then the toxins build up takes place. In such a situation, the secondary filtering organs, especially the skin comes to rescue and facilitates elimination of toxins through the skin itself in the form of psoriasis lesions. These psoriasis patches, somewhat, blocks secretion of sweat.

Hence, here is the need to re-open these skin pores again and allow the natural process of body detoxification to happen.

Physical workout, jogging, running, sunbathing, steam bathing, soaking baths with Dead sea salt (or Epsom salt)- all these practices help to open the blocked skin pores for smooth sweating.

It is hard to get some sweat in winter season, hence, put on some more warm clothes while doing physical workout to raise the body temperature for optimum sweating.

Good to know– Apart from body detox, sweating makes the psoriasis flakes soft which would be easily removed/ sloughed off during subsequent bathing or washing.

Sweating can trigger Inverse Psoriasis

If you are dealing with inverse psoriasis– lesions at armpits, groin, under the breasts, buttocks crease and other natural folds of the body, then sweating can be troublesome for you.

Due to warmth, dampness, sweating and continuous rubbing of these skin folds, psoriasis lesions become quite sensitive, itchy and painful. The risk of fungal and yeast infection always remains there because these harmful microbes grow and proliferate in such a warm and moist environment.

Tips for better sweat management to relieve inverse psoriasis symptoms

  • Always wear undergarments made from soft, natural fibers such as cotton, silk and rayon. These textile materials have better sweat absorbent properties that allow your skin to breathe. The sweat would be readily absorbed by the garment and gradually evaporated to keep your skin dry. At the same time, atmospheric air would touch and soothe your skin in return. Hence, they prevent the chance of sweat accumulation and relieve itching and pain. Synthetic textiles such as nylon have poor sweat absorbing properties. Hence, avoid them.
  • In case of excessive sweating, use a sweat absorbent powder to keep the skin dry. Some of the cheap and effective options are- zinc oxide, baking soda, corn starch, Johnson baby powder and Himalaya baby powder.
  • Wear easy fitting, loose clothes, particularly the tops. Tight clothes would hinder the evaporation of sweat. Also, tight clothes rub against the affected skin more frequently to trigger itching and discomfort.
  • Proper hygiene is important to prevent itching and bacterial build up. Wash and clean the area gently with a mild natural/ herbal soap and pat dry with a soft towel.

To sum up, sweating itself never triggers or worsen your psoriasis. It helps actually by flushing out the body toxins. However, poor selection of clothes can prove a culprit, especially in case of inverse psoriasis.

Pagano Diet Psoriasis Natural Healing

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